It was once said, “the only thing constant in life is change.” We all face change every day; the weather, family life, work, physical features, attitude, seasons, health, whatever the change, it affects us all. We each deal with change differently. This constant in life, change, is one thing we can be sure will happen.
Living in a world that was once pronounced by God as being, “very good”, we now live in a world, which has been cursed by God, because sin has entered through our first parents, Adam and Eve. Our bodies, thinking, thoughts, imagination, our will, desires, morals, etc. have all been marred by sin and has brought change in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual life and the world. We desire “new” and “life” and pray they don’t change. A new start, new car, new house, new attitude, new look, a new me, etc. But where do we look and who do we look to? One that does not change and who is constant.
There is a verse that I love to use when describing God’s constants in His attributes.
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning”.
James 1:17 (NKJV)
Some of the questions that have haunted the generations of past and present concerning God even amongst our very own Christian young people are:
- Does God exist?
- Who created the earth/universe?
- Where did man come from?
- Is Jesus really the Son of God?
- Is the resurrection of Jesus true?
- What is truth?
- If God is so loving why is there evil and suffering in the world?
The desire for proof and truth is becoming more and more a conversation outside and inside the church. We believe the answers to these questions can be found in the Person of Jesus Christ, which is written in the Bible. We believe by faith that our Heavenly Father is our Creator and the Creator of all things which is for Him, His glory and good pleasure (Colossians 1:15-18, Revelations 4:11).
Then if we believe that the heavens, earth, and humankind are created by God and we have come to the conclusion that He must be, more intelligent, more powerful, outside of time, does not depend on our world for life and more, more, more!!!!!. When we look at all things created visible and invisible it shows an “Intelligent Designer”. Science has contributed much to unmasking the Creator’s identity. One that words cannot describe, thoughts cannot comprehend, or heart cannot contain. Our “Designer”, Father God, did not just create us and leave us to ourselves, like the Deist thinks, but lives in us to bring us to a complete place of peace and worship stimulated by the knowledge of Him. His presence gives us a healthy mind, heart and behavior of being God’s workmanship, work of art, or masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10).
The constants of God’s attributes in the universe, on earth, and in man’s mortality (physical and spiritual laws) gives us solid ground to trust Him with our life. The constants of his holiness, love, mercy, grace, etc. can be depended upon in our daily lives and life after death. We are not going to experience any more of God’s love in heaven than what He has shown us in this life because if we do, that means, He has changed and if He changes then He is not God.
Therefore, don’t be fooled by the talk or fashion of other religions and beliefs. The evidence of an “Intelligent Designer” points to the overwhelming, most rational and natural decision to put your trust in God. The facts of God (Romans 1:20) will steer you to the most logical conclusion that God really and truly exist. Just ask Him, He’s in the business of answering your questions. Seek Him with all your heart and in time you will find Him.(Deuteronomy 4:29) He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)
Let’s Pray,
Father God, Creator of all things visible and invisible, all-powerful, all present, and all-knowing. Thank you for coming in our world to remove all doubt, confusion, and noise so that we can believe in the only way to You, the only absolute truth and life we need to live and trust in. Thank you Father for the overwhelming evidence that you exist and the faith to believe this truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Kay Tynes Laurore
What a remarkable reminder of our creator God ,there is no shadow of turning in him , things change in our world daily but OUR FATHER is a Constant. Amen .
Victoria Josey
Excellent devotional sandy. God bless you.