Giving my Testimony to the entire student body, at a Chapel Service, was an assignment I had to accomplish before graduating from Bible College. Speaking on the Topic: “Out of the Playing Field Into the Mission Field” I received an arousing applause and compliments galore, so I assumed that all present were delighted. But the following morning when I opened my mail I was devastated by the note I received:
“Even fools are thought wise if they
keep silent,
discerning if they hold their tongues.”
All the encouraging words I received the day before vanished. I was astonished that Proverbs 17:28 (NIV) was quoted as a means to wound me profoundly. As children we often chanted “Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never harm me.” Who were we kidding, what a myth.
After regaining my composure I showed the note to my roommate who immediately recognized the handwriting. We both knew exactly who sent it and my natural instinct was to retaliate.
If that was eighteen years previously I probably would of confronted him like I did a sixth grade classmate (boy) who said some hurtful words to me clowning around : “das ya dying par” (that’s your dying daddy). Those words stung like a bee and propelled me to tackle the schoolboy devoid of self- control. My daddy was dying, was the truth, but they were some cruel words to say to an eleven year old girl who was just about to lose her daddy, a godly man of “steel and velvet, to the chilly hands of death. I would have rather been hit with “sticks and stones” than hear such harmful words.
So, what was my response to that college student who implied that I was a fool? By no strength of my own, but by the Holy Spirit’s power, Spiritual Self-control was reproduced.
22 But the fruit of the {Holy} Spirit {the work which His presence within accomplishes} is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness,23 Gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence). Against such things there is no law {that can bring a charge}.
Galatians 5:22-23 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
Walking in the Spirit, rather than in the flesh, I was led to share this unpleasant incident with my Literature Professor. She said to me “Rollie take the note and tear it up and forget all about it.” I followed her wise counsel and sure enough I quickly forgot about it.
16 But I say, walk and live {habitually} in the {Holy} Spirit {responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit}; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God).
Galatians 5:16 (AMPC)
On point for me.
Another confirmation of what the Lord is impressing upon me to replace the fleshly fruits with the spiritual fruits.
Keep it coming cousin Rev. 🙏🥰🥰🥰