A new year is ahead of us. We all look forward to starting over, improving, correcting, and building on what was done in 2020. To successfully get all that God has for us in the new year, we must “Trust in the God of New Beginnings.”
The way we view our circumstances have a great effect on our emotions and wellbeing. If we choose to be thankful, we will experience great joy and peace. If we choose to worry about our lack, we will have anxiety and feel disheartened. Choose to be “Thankful in spite of…”
Persistence calls for us to do what we must regardless of the obstacles and challenges. There is always a reward in pushing beyond the breaking point, where nothing makes sense.
Social Distancing is nothing new. Let me repeat that. Social Distancing is nothing new. Daily, many of us have been living our lives socially distant from those around us.
To be Christian, is to be Christ-like; to exhibit the behavior of our Savior in even the most trying situations. In this Easter season, we have the greatest of example of how to deal with difficulty when we consider the life of Jesus Christ.
As a teacher, I wear many hats. Sometimes I need to be a judge, a doctor, an actress, a confidant among many other things. Last week was one such week where I needed more heads for hats.
There is red popping up everywhere. Hearts and roses are on display. It’s the season to show and tell someone how special they are to you, by saying “Happy Valentines Day!!”